Thursday, January 13, 2011

Long Point and a Spotted Towhee

It's just been a few days since I saw the Varied Thrush west of Waterloo. It was a 2.5 hour drive that resulted in a great experience and a great bird. Already, I have a bird to chase even further away. A Spotted Towhee is being regularly seen at a feeder on Long Point. This one is three and a half hours drive. One way. It's even more important to get this one than the Thrush was. They just don't come to Ontario very often. Though their range seems to extend closer to Ontario than the Thrush, it seems like it's a harder bird to get here. You can learn more about them here.

The easy way to do this would be go and see the bird this weekend. The problem with that isn't family related this time, its work. Maybe you know, maybe you don't, but I'm an Associate Creative Director at Canada's top advertising agency (not everyone would agree with that statement), DDB Canada. It's a stressful job at times and doesn't really care too much about my Spotted Towhee. They are very supportive of me on this personal project but wouldn't let it get in the way of getting the work done, and done well. Right now, things are VERY busy at work. I have a few pretty important projects on the go. Time sensitive stuff. Stuff that is going to fly me out to Vancouver for about 10 days starting this Saturday at 5am. As you can see, this weekend is not going to happen. Nor is next weekend (I fly back next sunday). The time change will make sure I miss out on the chance to go that day.

So, it looks like there's no way I'll see this bird. Very frustrating. It's only compounded by the fact that my photo shoot was moved a few days for reasons I can't discuss here. Effectively making me miss a trip I had planned for next Saturday to Ottawa to see a Gray Partridge (among others). This will be another hard bird to find later this year. I doubt I will. Not to mention that it would be good chance at a Snowy Owl which for some reason are not being seen as much this year. All of the above is pilled on top of the fact that I won't see my family for 10 days. Hotel living is not something I enjoy without their company.

This is getting to be a rather depressing post. Let's 'happy' it up a bit. I always get to do a bit of birding when I travel for work. I really look forward to seeing a flock of Westen Grebes on the west side of Stanley Park. They always seem to be there when I go in the winter. Then there's the Red-breasted Sapsucker at the trees by the Pier. And I have the chance to go to Brackedale where all the Bald Eagles hang out in big numbers. That'll be fun. Rainy, but fun.

Paul Riss
Punk Rock Big Year.

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